As a former school teacher, I know how dedicated teachers are to the health and wellbeing of their students. Teachers are doing an incredible job and invest a lot of time and energy to care for and support their students as they want them to feel happy, confident, and empowered.
But what about the teachers? Who takes care of their health and wellbeing?
Yoga for teachers offers yoga classes at schools, specifically designed for teachers. During a 60- minute Yoga class, we will calm down, open and relax our body, regain focus, and re-energise.
An extra 75- minute PD afterwards will provide education and knowledge about YOGA/ MINDFULNESS/ STRESS RELIEF/ WELLBEING and leave you with practical snippets that you can implement for yourself and your students, any time of the day.
Priced at:
$120 for 60 minute Yoga class
$180 for 75 minute PD session on Yoga & Mindfulness
Special offer: $280 for 60- minute Yoga/ Meditation class + 75- minute PD